How I Mastered Self-Care in College

In college, life gets super busy and it’s easy to forget to prioritize yourself and your wellness. It took me a while, but I’ve finally mastered the art of taking care of myself. This may not work for everyone, but hopefully it gives you the inspiration to find your own wellness mojo.
1. I give myself an hour of “me” time a day
In college, it can be really difficult to find time to decompress. There always seems to be something going on, and relaxing feels like something you have to compromise. I learned the hard way that sometimes you actually do have to schedule out time for yourself, and that is okay. In the span of my personal hour, I’ll catch up on a new show, read a chapter of a book, or bake cookies. Sometimes I’ll even just lay in bed for the full hour. Either way, no matter what I choose to do, I know that I’m putting myself first and taking the time I need away from the chaos.
2. I drink my own apple cider vinegar mixture
Let’s be honest- most people hate the thought of willingly drinking something as strong as apple cider vinegar. However, the things that are good for us sometimes don’t taste the best. Apple cider vinegar has amazing benefits, one being that it can boost your health because of the natural probiotics that help your immune system and gut health.
Since the taste of apple cider vinegar isn’t the best, I add a few natural ingredients that improve the taste and provide additional health benefits. I add fresh lemon juice, honey, and a tiny amount of cinnamon for taste. When warmed, this mixture tastes just like apple cider and can help with your digestion and immune system. Also, a fun fact is that this mixture can help tackle a sore throat. This is an easy way to maintain health while drinking something warm and comforting.
3. Schedule, schedule, schedule
I’ve learned throughout my years of college that scheduling is very important, and it can make a huge difference in my day-to-day life. When everything around you is moving at lightning speed, you can forget to do things that are very important for your health. Sometimes I forget to eat, and if I don’t schedule that in my day, I won’t eat. Other times I’ll forget to take a minute to meditate or just breathe, and everything seems to get chaotic very quickly. I’m not a person who schedules out their entire day, but I am someone who schedules the important things to improve my health and overall quality of life.
I hope that my tips and tricks help you and lead you to more balance in your life. I know it isn’t always easy, but it does get better when you begin to see the benefits.
Be well, Auburn.

Born and raised in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, Alyssia is a true city girl that decided to come to Auburn to pursue her undergraduate degree. Currently studying mass communication with a minor in marketing, Alyssia plans to switch over to public relations. Because of her love for the city, you can usually find her roaming the city taking tons of photos and videos, with an iced coffee in hand.
Alyssia is passionate about spending time with family, friends, and her puppy, Winter. She is an avid believer of all things “self-care” and doing the things you love. Alyssia is always ready to try new things, and loves to learn as much as she can.