6 Morgan Harper Nichols Quotes to Get You Through Anything
Even if you’ve never heard the name Morgan Harper Nichols, I can guarantee you’ve seen her work sprawled out on numerous Instagram stories.
We’ll call her MHN for our purposes. MHN is an author and designer of some of the most inspirational quotes I have ever read. Not only is her work inspirational, the designs are aesthetically pleasing and her signature handwriting is so easy to spot. I’ve decided to sift through every MHN quote I could find on Instagram and her website to bring you what I like to call, “Morgan Harper Nichols Quotes to Get You Through Anything.” Thank me later.
When you need to see the beauty in yourself
There have been numerous times in my life where I stopped looking at the world around me and started paying more attention to less important things, like social media. I really felt myself growing out of touch with reality. It is so easy to feel insecure and out of sync, but this quote reminds me that I’m special in my own way. Sometimes it just takes time to realize it.
When you feel as if the world is too small
Whether it’s academically or creatively, I’ve felt stuck more times than I can count. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed in college. You go through the same routines, have multiple deadlines, and see the same people. After a long streak of routine and stress, you can feel trapped. Just keep in mind that the world is vast, and there is enough time to see it all. There’s always more to come. That’s what makes life beautifully unplanned. Remember that.
When things get overwhelming
I think we can all relate to this one. The feeling of relief that comes when you turn in your scantron or press “submit” on your assignment. Getting there is the hard part. College can bring stress, anxiety, sleepless nights, and long days. It’s okay if your strength looks a little different in this season. You just have to remember you’ll be okay, and this trial is only temporary. You’re doing great, just keep pushing.
When you need a positive reminder
I save these reminders in my camera roll and read them every Monday morning before my day gets started. They brighten my day and get my mindset back on track. It’s important for me to feel inspired, and these reminders really do the trick.
When you can’t seem to find your worth
It’s not uncommon to feel lost during certain seasons of life. I’ve been there. Remind yourself that it’s okay to have darker seasons, because you’re exactly where you need to be. You can’t control the world around you, but you can control your mindset. You’re trying your best with what you have.
When you feel like you need to have everything figured out
In college, feeling like you need to have everything figured out is very common. It always seems to be the most popular conversation I have at every family gathering. The thing is, the older I get, the more I realize that I don’t have to have every detail of my life figured out. I love having peace in not knowing and being excited for the future and what is to come.
MHN’s work makes me feel seen. To know that there’s someone out there who thinks the same things as me is comforting. Following MHN on Instagram was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my mental health. Keep an eye out — she’s releasing a book of poetry entitled, “All Along You Were Blooming” sometime in January 2020. I hope after reading these quotes you’ve found a new appreciation for the good times, tough times, and every time in between.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Abbey C.

Bridget was raised on a little island off the coast of Georgia called St. Simons. After changing her major a total of five times, she has finally found her place in public relations and marketing. She hopes to use her degree in the fashion or travel industry. When she is not at The Rec taking a Group Fit class or in the marketing office, you can find her watching reruns of any Bravo reality show or hanging out with friends.
After graduation, Bridget hopes to travel the world, move to a big city, and adopt a cat. She’s obsessed with anything pop-culture related and loves to keep up with her favorite Instagram account, CatsofInstagram.