Little Doses of Positivity

Do you ever find yourself feeling weighed down by life, school, work, or honestly anything? Same.

Sometimes, I get frantically overwhelmed. One thing I’ve found as a sure-fire way to reground myself and bring my focus back is to do one (or several) things that make me feel positive. Often, these habits continue to bring positivity to my life even after they’re done (which is pretty cool, TBH). I have created a small-but-mighty list for you of things that I have incorporated into my life to stay positive and grounded.

Adding small but powerful things you love into your space.

This one is more of a long-term dose of positivity. Do you find yourself wanting a specific thing every time you walk in or out of a room in your house? Go get it. Seriously. Investing in your space and making it a sanctuary is a personal investment, and you’re worth it. Do it, man.

Get outside (or close to it).

If you’re like me, the sun can immediately put you in a better mood. Or, if the sun isn’t shining (hello, Auburn’s never-ending rain), just opening a window and listening to the rain or the breeze can be helpful for you. Reminding yourself that you’re a part of a really pretty world can be seriously soothing.

Drink more water.

Y’all, I am a stickler for drinking water. I am that person that texts her friends, “Have you had water today?” That being said, if I’m feeling particularly sluggish, I pour myself a cold glass of water (maybe adding some lemon to spice it up) and drink it quickly. It almost always livens me up and gives me some energy.

Do something for someone else.

This one sounds selfish. I get that. You’re only helping someone else to help yourself. If that’s how you look at it, sure. But, hear me out, if you start a habit of helping people, you will eventually just enjoy helping people out. This could be because my love language is acts of service, but I really believe helping out those around you can impact your (and that person’s) mood significantly. This is one of those points I mentioned you can incorporate into daily life! It doesn’t have to be a friend: pay for a stranger’s meal, help someone with that heavy thing they’re carrying, or help that guy who just crashed his bike on campus. He’s embarrassed. Be his friend.

Text a friend something you love about them.

We all have days we can’t think about something we like about ourselves. If you don’t -– teach me. One thing I find really useful during these times is to tell my friends (or just one friend) something I admire, love, or enjoy about them. We live in a world that’s too guarded. Love your friends while you can. Be open, honest, and loving. It’s bold, but it’s so freeing.


Write a note about something that makes you happy and put it on your mirror/door.

If I’m having a particularly stressful week, I will put a note about something that makes me consistently happy in a place I’ll see it regularly. For me, it’s my mirror (don’t @ me, thanks). This always reminds me to take a breath and appreciate the life I have– stressful or not.

Pick up a piece of litter.

“Ok, this girl has lost it.” Yes, dear reader, I have, but just trust me on this one. You see litter, and you’re like, “Wow, who would do that?” and walk by. Try (as long as it’s safe) to pick up that piece of litter and put it in the nearest bin. Small things like this have totally changed my perspective, because now I can be like, “Yes, that litter is unfortunate, but let me help out my community and world by this little change.” Eventually, you might end up like me, and it becomes a habit.


Hear me out– exfoliating makes you feel like a changed person. Your skin is soft, supple, and ready to take on the world. Guys, don’t write me off either. Get yourself a nice-smelling exfoliator, hop in the shower, and scrub off all the dead skin, dirt, and grime. You’ll come out feeling brand new. (Don’t forget to moisturize after!)

I hope some of my small (and medium-sized) positivity hacks can help next time you’re in a funk. Do you have some hacks of your own? Leave them down in the comments!

As always,

Be well, Auburn.

Photography: Zoe L.

Copy Editor

Breslin was raised in Fairhope, Alabama and has been an Auburn fan her whole life. She believes in never taking herself too seriously, laughing lots, and pushing to be the best she can. Majoring in marketing with sports coaching and communication minors, Breslin loves all things sports and wants to pursue a career in sports marketing. When she’s not at work, you can usually find Breslin running with her dog (who’s the cutest).

Breslin is passionate about running, good food, spending time with those she loves, and, of course, her dog. Always eager for a new adventure, she looks forward to living a life of spontaneity and a touch of chaos.