Yik Yak is Back: Good or Bad?
Freedom of speech? Anonymous tweets? Controversial thoughts? It’s all on Yik Yak. Yik Yak is a social media app that creates a space for conversation through a discussion thread for those within five miles of a given location. It provides a space to anonymously post whatever you’re thinking at any time.

Getting Involved Outside of Greek Life
While Greek life is a significant aspect of Auburn, it is not the only way to be involved. Auburn has so many organizations, from academic to cultural, religious to outdoors. There is something for everyone here. The important thing is to branch out and explore! Here are some ways to get involved and find your organizations.

A Guide to Auburn's Free Adobe Software
As of last school year, Auburn became the first school in the SEC to provide free (yes y’all, FREE) Creative Cloud subscriptions for all students. Not only does this benefit students who were already using Adobe’s programs, but it gives all Auburn students an advantage in their job search.