The Chillest Places on Auburn's Campus

We all know that Auburn’s campus can be crowded and chaotic at times.
But many people don’t realize that Auburn’s campus is also full of many secluded spots. We’ve compiled a list of some of them, so you’ll know where to escape when you need a little alone time.
The Waterfall
Have you ever noticed the hidden waterfall at the bottom of the stairs by the engineering buildings? Sit on the man-made rocks and enjoy the serenity of the waterfall behind you. This spot also makes for a great photo op!
The Arboretum
Located across from the President’s Mansion, the Arboretum's beautiful scenery makes for a great place to clear your mind and forget about the stress of your week!
Livingston Courtyard
Who knew The Rec had its own quiet place?! Located on its lower level is the Livingston Courtyard, showcasing an array of beautiful flowers. Whether you’re a mediation pro or not, this place is quite relaxing!
Front Steps of Cater Hall
Want to admire the beauty of Auburn’s campus while avoiding the center of the chaos? Head over to the rocking chairs located on the front steps of Cater Hall. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the view from afar.
The top of the Student Center
Hidden at the top of the Student Center near the ballroom, you will find a door that leads to an open patio. After grabbing your Chick-fil-A or Starbucks, escape the madness and check out this relaxing spot.
Have a favorite quiet place that’s not listed above? Share it with us at @AuburnCampusRec!
Photography by Chanah F.
Carly is a junior from Marietta, Georgia majoring in marketing and minoring in communication. Although she loves the perks of living near a big city, she has found a home away from home on the Plains. She is passionate about helping others and hopes to one day work for a non-profit.
You can usually find her exploring new hiking places, binge watching the latest Netflix show or obsessing over pictures of her dog.
Carly loves how inclusive Auburn is and enjoys being able to make friends from all over.