Why I Love My Cast Iron Skillet

Everyone is always intimidated by cooking with cast iron because of the maintenance.
With cast iron, it’s not as easy as throwing your pan in the dishwasher. The proper care is easy, once learned. Plus, the outcome is almost always worth it.
It’s versatile.
Almost anything can be made in a cast-iron skillet. Whether it is a casserole, pan-fried veggies, or even a huge cookie, the cast-iron skillet can accommodate most dishes. Once you learn how to use it, it cooks the food much more evenly and can add an outer crisp without burning.
It does what other pans cannot.
Cast iron is known for how well it evenly distributes heat without burning. It is also completely nonstick when seasoned properly. This makes it perfect for dishes like fajitas, which require very high heat. Cast iron can go in the oven, which makes it very easy to give a dish like a steak a high-heat sear, then place it in the oven to finish cooking.
They last forever if treated properly.
While the upkeep is a little different for a cast iron, this is for good reason. If you keep the cast iron from rusting, it can last for generations. This sets it apart from other pans, as many have a much shorter lifespan.
Although you might have to watch a video or two to fully understand how to take care of it, cast iron skillets are definitely worth it.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Ashley R.

Born in West Palm Beach, Florida, and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, Ashley is a freshman in Communications. Her indecisiveness led her to choose Auburn very last minute, and now she is in love with the school and lives for game days and Toomer’s vanilla lemonade.
She has a wide range of interests, mostly consisting of video, media, makeup, fashion, and food. In her free time, you can find her at Coffee Cat, Chick Fil A, in bed, or watching Food Network (preferably Guys Grocery’s Games or Pioneer Woman.) She’s currently savoring every moment she has at Auburn, even all the times she is left by the transit or gets lost in the Haley Center.