5 Pantry Must Haves

College was a perfect time to become more proficient in the kitchen. I was already a huge foodie, so I loved the idea of becoming a better cook, but it was harder than I thought. During my time in college, I’ve learned what my pantry staples are. These are the items I keep around that make assembling meals so much easier. Although they sound random altogether, they are always stocked in my cabinet, and I use them several times a week.
1. Chili Oil
I personally love the Chili Onion Crunch from Trader Joe’s, but chili oil is essential for me. If you like spice, this is a great ingredient to elevate an easy meal like ramen or frozen dumplings to feel like you did more than the bare minimum of cooking.
2. Tomato Paste
Tomato paste is packed full of flavor and is useful for numerous meals. I often find myself adding it to my pasta sauces or soups because it takes any dish to the next level. If you find that some recipes always call for a little bit of tomato paste, and you have some leftover, use this hack to save it.
3. Honey
Honey is very versatile and great to have on hand. I usually use it for smoothies, salad dressings, or with tea, but it is one of the best sweeteners to use in my opinion. Bonus points if you’re able to secure local honey at one of Auburn’s farmer’s markets!
4. Tortillas
If nothing else, I always have food to make quesadillas. That’s one of my go-to dinners when I don’t feel like making something. Tortillas are also perfect to have around for wraps, which is a great way to switch up leftovers.
5. Chicken Broth
I use chicken broth all. the. time. Soups and pasta dishes are two of my classic meals, and chicken broth comes in handy for both. If you’re like me and you have limited cabinet space, it can also come in handy to grab chicken bouillon powder or cubes.
I definitely haven’t mastered cooking as a college student, but grocery shopping and cooking have started to get easier over the years. Stock these items in your pantry and…
Be well, Auburn.

Born in West Palm Beach, Florida, and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, Ashley is a freshman in Communications. Her indecisiveness led her to choose Auburn very last minute, and now she is in love with the school and lives for game days and Toomer’s vanilla lemonade.
She has a wide range of interests, mostly consisting of video, media, makeup, fashion, and food. In her free time, you can find her at Coffee Cat, Chick Fil A, in bed, or watching Food Network (preferably Guys Grocery’s Games or Pioneer Woman.) She’s currently savoring every moment she has at Auburn, even all the times she is left by the transit or gets lost in the Haley Center.