My Motivation to Be Well

I’m a college kid. Not saying this is an excuse, but I have definitely been slacking in physical activity and nutritious eating.
I had always been active and healthy in high school, but when I started college, I realized that I no longer had much of a reason to stay fit. I wasn’t playing sports and I wasn’t eating at home with my parents anymore (veggies were no longer a regular in my life). Freshman year I had the time of my life, but I got a bit carried away with the Chick-fil-A that was next door to my dorm. So, here are a few things that I enjoy that also help keep me from going crazy during this quarantine madness.
Balanced Eating
I’m not saying that you have to do a kale juice cleanse. No way. A few good greens every now and then will make you feel like a whole new person. I try to make sure I have a good source of protein with every meal and maybe some fruits and veggies. I also throw some carbs in there (because they’re literally amazing).
My favorite way to lift my mood is by getting my heart rate up. I have been doing a lot of running and walking outside, and it makes a world of a difference. Sunshine and fresh air are vital to combat boredom and the impulse to cut my hair. You don’t have to run a marathon, a simple, leisurely walk will do the trick.
It’s so easy to turn on the TV right now and get lost in all the bad news. Everything is up in the air, and it’s hard not focus on the negative state of the world. Trusting the process and doing my part have helped me keep an open mind and see the good in what’s happening. If there is any time to try something new, it is right now.
I find that balance is what keeps me sane. Eating well, getting a fair amount of exercise, and remaining positive are all important— even after we get back to our regular routines.
Be well, Auburn
Photography: Frances D.

Frances is a public relations major with a marketing minor from a big family in Birmingham, Alabama. She loves to talk to anyone that will listen, as long as she isn’t busy scrolling through Twitter. Frances can quote movies almost too well and has a sweet tooth that is never satisfied. She values communication and loves how it brings people together in so many different ways. Frances is interested in sports marketing but is willing to go wherever her future takes her.