Down in the Dumps: Ways To Motivate Your Spirit

Sometimes life gets you down. You feel engulfed in negative emotions and can’t seem to get back up.
Trust me, I’ve been there; it’s definitely not the best feeling. Over the years, I’ve found ways to help me get out of a funk. These are just a handful of suggestions; emotions are different for everyone.
Drink water!
Yes, I know this is that one piece of advice you’ve heard a million times. But here are some actual evidence-based benefits of drinking water… First, water crucial for nutrient and oxygen transportation. You know that feeling of fatigue and inattentiveness when you haven’t been drinking enough water? That could be because your cells aren’t receiving enough nutrients. Water also helps your body normalize blood pressure and stabilize your heartbeat. You never know, water could be a quick fix for getting back on track.
Take a hot shower or bath.
Sometimes, a bath or shower feels like the solution to all of our problems. I know I’ve found myself using showers as a way to destress. In reality, hot water can loosen chest congestion, relieve headaches, and wash away germs. They are also a great way to relax your muscles after a workout or release built-up stress.
Rest up, and make time for yourself.
College life is usually far from peaceful. You’re probably on the go most of the time, and finding time for yourself might be the last thing on your mind. You have to remember: resting your body and mind is essential to a healthy lifestyle. There’s a fine line between business and rest, and we all have to find that balance. It’s okay to slow down.
Do something that makes you happy.
Maybe it’s watching your favorite Netflix show, taking time to do a craft, or reading your favorite book. Try to make time for this on a daily basis to feel your best. When you actually block off time for a fun activity, it’ll revive the passion inside of you. And if there’s one thing I learned, it’s that passion is crucial for a happy life.
You aren’t alone.
You are not alone in feeling down or burnt out. You can get through this. Walking through something alone is never the way to go, so remember you have people cheering you on (including me). Never be afraid to reach out for help.
With these five easy tips, you could beat your next wave of sadness. Give them a try next time you aren’t feeling your best! Good things are sure to follow. Keep pushing; I believe in you.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Bethany F.
