Yik Yak is Back: Good or Bad?

Freedom of speech? Anonymous tweets? Controversial thoughts? It’s all on Yik Yak.
Yik Yak is a social media app that creates a space for conversation through a discussion thread for those within five miles of a given location. It provides a space to anonymously post whatever you’re thinking at any time.
With the growing popularity of the app, more and more ideas are posted that relate to the area you currently live in. To agree or disagree with someone’s thought, you can upvote or downvote. This app is a great way to connect with people across Auburn’s campus and learn about new ideas or things happening in your area.
With the rising number of Yik Yak users, it is important to be careful with what you post for everyone to see. Yes, you have complete freedom to post whatever you’re thinking, but you also need to be aware of who is on the other side of your post. From what I’ve seen on the app, people take advantage of the anonymous aspect in the app and can post hurtful or inappropriate comments that can rapidly spread negativity.
It’s up to you. You can download Yik Yak to stay connected with Auburn students and others in the surrounding area or pass for an alternative where you at least know who is on the other side of that post.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Bethany F.
