Habits to Start in the New Year

Habits to Start in the New Year

It’s time for the “new you” to incorporate some new habits into your daily life.

This year, improve your mind and body with a routine that includes these easy and effective steps. Speaking from experience, you will be thankful to have started 2023 off on the right foot.

Make Your Bed Every Morning

I truly didn’t understand why people always talked about incorporating this daily habit until I started doing it myself. Now, I never forget to make my bed before leaving for the day.

There is a true sense of productivity and accomplishment when I know that my bed is made, and my room looks tidy because of it. You can learn more about why making your bed every day is so important here.

Move Your Body

While it is important to exercise regularly, moving your body does not have to mean doing intense exercises every day. Even going for a 30-minute walk outside or on a treadmill is a great way to get in your physical activity for the day. Going on daily walks is proven to increase your energy levels and reduce stress, according to Health Magazine.

Drink More Water

Of course, we all know that we should be drinking water every day, but did you know that the average person is supposed to drink half a gallon of water a day? This is equal to 64 ounces (about two 32 oz. Hydroflask bottles), or eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. I don’t know about you, but I certainly did not realize how much more water I needed to be drinking. It is so much more than you think!

Spend Time Reading

My personal preference is to pick up a book before going to sleep. Even just reading 10 pages of any book is a great way to end your day. It can help you to wind down before going to sleep, and it is yet another stress-reducing habit.

I won’t lie to you; I still sometimes choose to watch TikTok for an hour over reading a book before bed. However, when I do make the choice to read a couple chapters of a book, I genuinely sleep so much better.

Incorporating these habits into your daily life will hopefully contribute to an overall healthier mind and body. I can say from experience that my daily routine feels complete when I have accomplished each of these things.

Start the new year on the right foot with these habits and as always

Be Well, Auburn.


Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Avery is a senior majoring in Marketing. Avery came all the way to Auburn in the hopes of meeting new people and finding a community.

After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in marketing and would love to live in a fun, new city like Nashville or Atlanta. Avery loves to spend her free time hanging out with her 5 roommates and best friends, getting coffee from Starbucks, watching makeup artists on TikTok, and going on walks around Auburn. She has a passion for traveling and the next destination on her bucket list is Greece.

Currently, Avery is making the most of her last year at Auburn and is expectant for what life holds after college.