A Guide to Pickleball

Pickleball has changed the game— no pun intended!
For good reason, people of all ages are consistently playing the sport. It has recently skyrocketed in popularity. Here are a few reasons why: it’s approachable, it involves less running (than other sports), and it’s just fun!
What is Pickleball?
So, if you’ve never heard of it, pickleball is played on a smaller version tennis court with a paddle and ball similar to a wiffle ball. Fun fact, pickleball was named after the dog of the family who invented the sport. Here is a quick overview of pickleball rules (singles edition):
On serve:
Player 1 starts from the right side and hits the ball underhand to the box diagonal from them.
If it doesn’t land in the box, it goes to the other player.
Serves cannot hit the net or the no-volley zone.
The ball has to bounce once before the opponent returns it.
After serve:
Return the ball with one bounce or no bounce.
If the ball hits the net and then hits the court in bounds, it is still considered to be in play.
You can only score when it’s your serve.
Game scoring declares a winner when the game ends at 11, 15, or 21.
Sports tend to have a high barrier to entry. Having to play on a team, buying a list of gear, and having a high skill-level are some examples of why other sports may be harder to get into. With pickleball, you play with a range of one to three other people.
To start, the only items you need is a pickleball paddle and a ball. There are many purchasing options for a range of prices. The skill level required to begin is low, and the best way to improve is to just begin playing!
less running
Pickleball is a great workout, and you cover less ground than you would in other sports. Sports like soccer, football, basketball, and others require a tremendous amount of running in addition to keeping possession of the ball.
Pickleball is considered a medium-intensity workout—it gets your endorphins pumping and your heart rate elevated without knocking you out for the rest of the day. When first playing, you may be sore, but with consistency, your body will adjust. There are health benefits to working out at this level of intensity consistently. Those who regularly play pickleball are said to have a happier life, a lower risk for heart disease, and are more in shape.
It’s just fun!
One of the reasons why this sport is popular is because of how fun it is. The sport is super social because you are in close proximity to others while playing. I enjoy meeting new people, telling jokes, and chatting between plays.
If you visit the courts in Auburn on any given night, you will see the courts are full of players late into the night. It's also fun because of the focus it takes to play. Every ball that is hit to you is different, and it takes strategy to get a point on your opponent, which is rewarding. Lastly, it doesn’t feel like you’re working out. It feels good to move your body, be around others, and focus on the sport!
Now that you are officially a master of pickleball, now it’s time to go play! Get your best friend, or your grandma, enjoy the beautiful sport, and
Be Well, Auburn.
Check out these links of the rules of pickleball, a guide to pickleball paddles, and sources used for more information.

Madi has grown up right next to Auburn in Opelika, Alabama for the majority of her life. Currently, in Auburn’s pre-interior design program, she hopes to eventually start her own interior design business after graduation. She is engaged to be married in May to the love of her life. Her day-to-day life is focused on wellness, engaging in creative projects, and being intentional with the people around her. She is a dreamer and hopes to write a book one day, impacting others throughout her life is at the top of her list.